IFEC 2019 Finalists Announced


In behalf of the IEEE-IFEC 2019 organizing committee and the IEEE-IFEC steering committee, I am pleased to announce that your team is among the 10 finalists that have qualified to participate in the IFEC-2019 hardware competition to be held in Madison, WI, USA during the final week of July 2019.


Here is an alphabetically sorted list of finalist teams:

  • Delhi Technological University
  • DHBW-Stuttgart
  • Drexel University
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • Khalifa University of Science and Technology
  • National Ilan University
  • Tsinghua University
  • University of Belgrade
  • Utah State University
  • Virginia Tech


Please continue to visit the IFEC 2019 website at http://ifec2019.wisc.edu for all updates on conference rules, judgement criteria, registration, requesting visa letters, travel, venues, and accommodation. Thank you for your hard-work and your continued participation. Best wishes and we look forward to your team’s participation in the final round of competition in Madison this summer.



Giri Venkataramanan

General Chair, IEEE IFEC 2019

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering,

UW-Madison, USA


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