IFEC2019-Technical Reference_Apr1_
April 1st Change Log:
- Removed 5V current spec for Hall sensors
- Removed 5V current spec for throttle control & display
- Updated Throttle Command table to scale from 0 to 15Arms
- Reverted motor external fuse back to 20A (added slow blow description)
- Removed 15Arms peak battery current limit (no battery ripple current spec)
- Updated Drive Cycle Test – new name “Efficiency Map” duration to 24 seconds (Hold each point for 2 seconds, no repeated points)
- Updated Full Load Test – new name “Simulated Hill Climb” and only hold for 30 sec
- Evaluation criteria will be released by Apr. 15th
Previous – March 27th Change Log:
- Motor phase current increased to 30Arms
- All cables can be unshielded
- Throttle Command table updated (Voltage vs RMS Phase Current) and includes error limits. Added Wide Open Throttle (WOT) command for 4.5V.
- Motor external fuse increased to 50A
- Maximum continuous battery current of 12A and 15A peak current (definitions include filter settings)
- Added brake disable input
- Dynamometer speed controlled with Constant Voltage (CV) load
- Basic Operation Test added for the Brake State
- Drive Cycle Test updated
- Full Load Test Updated
- Field Test on actual bicycle is defined