Hello IFEC 2019 Teams, We are placed to announce the final competition evaluation criteria. We are excited to include a few fun twists to “gamify” the scoring system including: Spec sheets (2 page max) and …
Month: April 2019
Hall sensor signals appear to have noise and error at certain speeds, will they be solve by the team organizers?
The motor in the dynamometer and in the bicycle will be the stock motor, with the stock hall-sensor. It will be the responsibility of the teams to manage the real-life noisiness and inaccuracy of the …
When we can expect evaluation criteria and detailed points for various tests to be published?
We expect this to be ready by April 25th 2019.
Are teams supposed to have their own user interface on the final competition?
User interface for dynamometer testing and the track-testing will be available at the competition. There will be one interface set-up for the dynamometer testing for the competition, and a second set-up for testing and staging, …
Input and output current specifications?
It was specified that the input current is limited to 12A RMS (0.1s average). It was also specified that the output current corresponding to 4V throttle signal should be 15A RMS. At high enough speeds …
IFEC 2019 Finalists Announced
Congratulations, In behalf of the IEEE-IFEC 2019 organizing committee and the IEEE-IFEC steering committee, I am pleased to announce that your team is among the 10 finalists that have qualified to participate in the IFEC-2019 hardware …
Final Competition Rule Update (April 1st)
IFEC2019-Technical Reference_Apr1_ April 1st Change Log: Removed 5V current spec for Hall sensors Removed 5V current spec for throttle control & display Updated Throttle Command table to scale from 0 to 15Arms Reverted motor external …