Hello, IFEC 2019. I would like to do an early registration to attend the IFEC workshop at APEC 2019. However, I have difficulty in selecting the registration type. I would like to get information about …
Month: February 2019
Target Box Size
The Technical Sheet specifies a Target Box Volume of 1500 cm^3. We were wondering if this was an upper bound or if the box needs to be relatively close to this volume. We also noticed …
The 9.c.v of “IFEC2019-Technical-Reference-20-Nov.pdf” is “48V sense for display”.
Is it input or output? In what form? It is an output from the box that simply provides voltage sense terminals of the battery, which will be connected to a voltmeter or a display unit …
Should we overload the motor above the given nominal current even though in the Technical reference document it is said that extended continuous and sustained operation outside the given ratings will lead to increased temperature rise and should be avoided?
In the given Technical reference, the requirements for the continuous power rating of 500W (requirement no.2), nominal voltage, current and frequency (requirements 5a, 5b, 5c), and over-speed limit (requirement no.18) are given. In one of …
Should we overload the motor in terms of the given current?
In the technical reference, the requirements of the continuous power rating of 500W (requirement no.2), nominal voltage, current and frequency (requirement no.5) and speed limit (requirement no. 18) were given. In the previous question, you …
In the most recent technical reference, the over speed limit is listed as 3000 rpm while the loaded acceleration test listed the maximum testing speed TBD. The question is when to expect the maximum testing speed requirement and whether it is 3000 rpm or not.
These items have been clarified further in the updated technical document.
Will the qualified teams receive comments on the submitted proposals ?
Will the qualified teams receive comments on the submitted proposals ? Anonymous comments from first round review can be provided each team upon request by e-mail from the IFEC 2019 General Chair. Moreover, will there …
The Request for Proposal mentioned financial support for travel expenses. How does the money transfer procedure look like? Is it necessary for the teams to submit an request letter or something similar?
Travel reimbursement guidelines are posted here.
Is travel funding provided for the semi-final in Anaheim?
Yes. Travel reimbursement guidelines are posted here.
Which results should we provide in the report for the Second Round Competition? What is the deadline for sending the report and is there a specific form of the report that is required?
These are specified here and the updated technical reference document.